The Gasping Harvest

Today we celebrate the voice of the poet, journalist and frequent DP correspondent Jon Swan (1929-2022) through the publication of one of his last poems, together with a passage from a BBC radio play in which he played, ever so gloriously.



And here is that same voice, vividly present along The Loneliest Road:



Jon Swan’s last missive to DP included the following lines:

The disgraced president can smugly watch
as his corrupt Supremes hack away
at the tree of liberty and the oil boys are given
a pass to pollute. Aber, Vorvaerts!

We shall sorely miss his love of language, whether sounded or scribed; his unbounded curiosity and fierce opinions; his unfettered spirit of play; and above all, his magnificently twisted sense of humor that saved many a day.

Gone for now, but if you know how to listen, if you cock your ear, you can hear that voice.


Jon Swan, 1929-2022


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